Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Eclipse Day India 2010

  EclipseCon 2010 is wrapped up. Thanks to the community I followed the happenings of EclipseCon on and twitter - almost like live updates. The Indian Eclipse community is gearing up for a gathering in similar proportions (in the community energy level of course.) Eclipse Day India 2010 is here - April 23rd. What I like most about it is the simplicity. Just 3 kinds of talks: Lightning, Short, and Long.

  Now that the tentative agenda is out and its difficult to not choose to attend one talk over another considering the submissions. I have made my list of "favorite talks to attend." The key note is interesting. It is called "The Eclipse Way" by Dani Megert. More details about the key note here. I want to start off with lightning talks. Especially "Top 10 mistakes in Eclipse Plug-in development" by Prakash G R and "Creating a splash screen" by Jagadeesh Panchakshari. Behold! The latter lightning talk is more than its name. Most of us (or atleast I) think of an Image when it comes to a 'splash screen' but Jagadeesh has some surprises in store for us. Moving on to Short talks. I want to check out "Contributing to Eclipse and Community" by Ayushman Jain, "RAP" by Ankur Sharma, "Top 3 SWT Exceptions" by Lakshmi. Finally, finish up with "Patterns in Eclipse" by Madhu Samuel , "OSGi Tutorial" by Prakash G R. Hope the talks are scheduled in such a way that I don't miss any of my favorites :)

  The final agenda will be published here - keep watching.