It looks kinda complicated at first, let's see how do u Manage Configuration in Eclipse Ganymede. This article gives a clear picture.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Manage Extension Locations in Eclipse Ganymede
An Eclipse developer is very quick to spot the very visible difference in the new Ganymede release. We are used to download an IDE and customize the configuration using the Help -> Software Updates -> Manage Configuration. Guess what! there is no more a Manage Configuration option anymore in Ganymede. Instead its called Software Updates for Installed Software and Available Software.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Save an EMF Resource with or without namespace!
We tried out this one somewhere in 2007, but i suddenly felt the need to write about it now( i dono, funny like that!). Well coming to the point... serializing an EMF Resource to an XML file actually seems strange but sometimes it becomes necessary. I'll not get into the details of why do we need an XML file with no namespace! and just tell you how to do it.
When an XML file is parsed using Resource API, for every XML element a corresponding model element is searched from an EPackage instance. This EPacakge instance is normally registered to an namespace URI. For eg. <myns:SHIPORDER> XML element may map to an EClass ShipOrder in the model and myns URI is registered to an instance of ShipOrderPackage. So when the SHIPORDER XML element is encountered Resource API understands that an object of type StudentType is to be created.
Now, what if the XML element has no namespace... it'll look like this: . If we want to continue the usual way, then we have to do:
- Register the EPackage instance to an empty namespace URI.
- extend the XMLHelperImpl class and override getQName(EPackage, String, boolean) method
- bind this XMLHelper implementation to your model's generated XyzResouceImpl through createXMLHelper() method.
* let's save without namespace!
* just delegate to appropriate Resouce API
public class ShipOrderXMLHelper extends XMLHelperImpl {
protected String getQName(EPackage package1, String name,
boolean mustHavePrefix)
if( isNameSpaceNeeded() ) {
// let's send what ever prefix that's got as the arguement
return super.getQName(package1, name, true);
else {
// i don't want a namespace prefix
return super.getQName(package1, name, false);
return "";
Now that we have our implementation of XMLHelper, let's bind it to the generated ShipOrderResource implementation.
* The Resource associated with the package.
* @see org.example.shiporder.util.ShiporderResourceFactoryImpl
* @generated
public class ShiporderResourceImpl extends XMLResourceImpl {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLResourceImpl#createXMLHelper()
* an override to bind our helper implementation
protected XMLHelper createXMLHelper() {
return new ShipOrderXMLHelper();
// other generated ShipOrderResouceImpl methods follow.
} //ShiporderResourceImpl
That's it you are all set to serialize an EMF resource without namespace. Before you go for a coffee ... one last thing ... do not forget to create ur EMF resource from the generated XyzResourceFactory.
EMF Resource,
without namespace,
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Back To Basics!
Some interesting articles about basics that an eclipse (or a Java) developer must know.
1. Let's start with the classpath itself!
> Here's an interesting article on IBM Developerworks by Elliot Harold. Good read this one.
1. Let's start with the classpath itself!
> Here's an interesting article on IBM Developerworks by Elliot Harold. Good read this one.
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